Kinesiology Treatments and Training Courses / Reflexology Treatments YOUR Health and Wellbeing is the most important thing to me

"You used to be much more muchier - you've lost your muchness"
When you've lost your MOJO, health problems seem like a jangled mess - each time you pull on the end of one, it gets tangled in another - and that's if you know which one to pull on first..!! Let me help "get your tangles in order" through a tailored range of treatments designed just for you. I combine many different safe, gentle, effective techniques from East and West to suit each client individually so every client receives a completely integrated, synergistic, unique and holistic head-to-toe treatment. I blend Kinesiology, Primitive Reflexes, Reflexology, Massage, Bach Flower and Australian Bush Essences, Nutrition and Reiki. I recognise I cannot be "all things to all people" and I will work with your existing Health professionals where necessary and am happy to recommend other Practitioners of other modalities where I believe they may be of benefit to you

Why me? YOU are YOUNIQUE so your treatment plan should be too
- I really want you to get well and can help you achieve that. You will always feel safe in my care
- Where appropriate we will have a laugh.!
- I have a common sense, practical approach and work with YOU, not tell you what to do
- I can empower you to take control of your life, your pain, your stress. Whether your problems are emotional, physical, structural, chemical or electro-magnetic - I can help you.
- I constantly update my knowledge through research, publications, seminars and courses
- I have access to nutritional advice from a range of top quality Companies and can test through muscle testing the best for you as an individual
- I am privileged to work with many lovely clients who I help to achieve balance, closure, relief from pain and discomfort to finally feel in great health again. Often, I'm a "last resort" - and thats fine.!
Any “dis-ease” in the mind or body will affect other mind or body systems and we are very clever at adapting to compensate for pain and inefficiencies. My clients appreciate that I can gently help them unravel the layers of previous “dis-ease” so they no longer have to be prisoners of their past - ultimately treating them as a whole picture - according to their own needs, rather than just the apparent symptoms.
If you would like to read more about what led me to Professional Holistic Practice you can do so here.