How does Kinesiology Work?
Kinesiology balances the Emotional, Chemical, Physical and Electrical elements - that is what makes it UNIQUE. Any oneĀ or more of these elements may require kinesiology input to strengthen muscles during a treatment, depending on the individual

Chemical / Nutritional
This may be stress to the body in the form of sensitive foods, poor nutrition, erratic eating habits, dehydration.
Kinesiology will test to see what will help the body - either eliminating certain foods for a short while or supplementing with good quality nutrition
Through kinesiological muscle testing we can ensure that your time during treatment is spent really effectively and whats more that the supplements you may choose to take really are the right ones for you. I know only too well that feeling of standing in a health food shop looking at the vast array of pills and potions and wondering what the difference between them was...!!

Structural / Physical
Kinesiologists will not manipulate the body in the way a Chiropractor or Osteopath would.
Instead they use lymphatic massage and light contact or low level laser light on neuro-vascular points or the cranium to relieve pain and tension in joints
There may also be an input from the jaw, pelvis or neck that relates to referred pain in other parts of the body and kinesiology testing will establish this.
As a Diplomate I am trained to use Pelvic Blocks which may be helpful to re-align a clients spine and pelvis
Any required Cranial adjustments can also be tested and balanced.

Treatment may include Bach Flower Essences, Emotional Stress Release techniques, EFT, Chakra balancing.
I am very successful in reducing anxiety fears and eliminating phobias - spiders, heights, driving, flying, enclosed spaces, even mushrooms and food..!
Where limiting beliefs are holding you back we can work on weeding these out, before re-seeding with more helpful and positive thoughts
Past experiences impact our life enormously and with kinesiology we can gently uncover some subconscious walls which are preventing you from moving forward. This is a gentle process and you will be supported throughout.

This element may indicate the need for more water, holding of meridien energy interchange points or meridien work.
It can also involve Retained Primitive Reflexes and I am trained to teach this modality and use it in my Practice regularly
I am trained as a Reiki Practitioner and can incorporate this where relevant.
I work with Chinese 5 Elements and this system can be very helpful in balancing meridians and finding related emotions. There are specific meridian interchange points which relate to each meridian and rather than sticking needles in you I am able to locate them and hold them gently to feel the pulse and balance them out.
My goal is to make Kinesiology a household name and to make Kinesiology a discipline that EVERYONE wants to have and learn
" Just to let you know what an amazing change I have experienced in the 3 or so weeks since I saw you! I felt a difference within 2 days having cut out all wheat. Bloating has completely disappeared. I have more energy and must be sleeping better as I no longer wake up with the lethargy I have felt for so many years!! A MIRACLE! Another victory for Kinesiology - Thank you so much" More testimonials here
Any treatment given is not intended to replace guidance from your doctor or other health care professional who should be contacted for advice if you have any health concerns. We do not accept responsibility for the content of any website links - they are for interest only