Balancing the ICV with Kinesiology
Ileo Caecal Valve (ICV) is the valve between the small and the large intestine, but it is on the Kidney meridian. It can be under emotional control (anxiety) as well as related to digestion and a myriad of apparently unrelated other issues. It opens to allow chyme through to the large intestine and closes to stop chyme/toxins being reabsorbed to the body. However what can happen is it becomes ”sticky” and can stay open or closed for an inappropriately long time which results in toxicity

LEARN how to test and balance the ICV through muscle testing (kinesiology)
This will form a cornerstone of treatments for everyone who comes in to your clinic
17th January 2024
Portslade, Sussex
One day Workshop
£145 (£20 discount for KA members)