Testimonials Kinesiology Treatments

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I'm just back from a car journey in a small car and sat in the back seat and not one bit of nausea!! I'm so so grateful, thank you so much!! It meant I was able to travel with friends rather than drive on my own, and it's made my day! Thanks so much again

I'm so happy to report that since seeing you and your treatment I have started feeling so much better and my tummy is really behaving itself which is wonderful. Thank you so much for how you helped me, you were amazing and I am so grateful to you for all your professional support and kindness 

Hi Linda,I just wanted to thank you for helping me so much with the stomach issues I have had for so many years. When I came to see you I was suffering worse symptoms and really didn't know which way to turn. The remedies you gave me have helped settle the issues a lot and the things you were saying not only helped me but made such sense. Thank you so much for all your efforts on my behalf, I am so grateful and so happy to recommend you to anyone that is so unsure of which way to turn.

I just had to write to thank you for my first consultation with you. I wanted to wait to let you know how I'm getting on and I'm doing so well. You were amazing and truly hit the nail on the head with my food and stomach problems

For the first time in so long I feel as if I have hope - thank you so much.!

I thought you would like to know that two days ago I ate my first taste of rice in YEARS!  And I didn't get a migraine!!! 

You don't need me to tell you this but you have the perfect balance with what you do with ooodles of varied life experiences behind you, utterly refreshing in my opinion...

Thank you so much for all your inspiration in helping me move forward in my life !

On Sunday night I realised that I’d been happy, not stressed and not cross all weekend and much more patient with my loved ones without trying to be and actually really enjoyed the time rather than worrying about all the stuff I have to do - it was a revelation! I wouldn’t at all class myself as a worrier but don’t feel my mind ever truly rests. It was sunny, we got some stuff done and it was a lovely weekend but it was such a remarkable change and it made me realise how grumpy I am usually! Things have got to crunch point for me recently and I don’t know what magic ESR is (if I’m honest, I’m not sure how it can help so much but am starting to believe) but whether it’s that, or a combination of things I’m doing to try to address my crisis, I feel a change. I feel a calm. I can’t tell you how good that feels.  Thank you for your treatment, your time and your advice - and for just listening to me rant. It’s made a huge difference and I’m extremely grateful.


'I had an on-line Kinesiology session with Linda to help with some personal goals. In the session Linda shared some practical suggestions to some of my queries. Kinesiology  was used to find what else I needed. Linda taught me some additional techniques to 'power up' my affirmations which has been really effective in moving me forward with my goals.'

Thankyou so much for my session on Tuesday. Massive improvement!!! All these years I was thinking this was just sensitivity/leaky gut.... Not saying that's not involved at times, but everything has settled alot - even my foot has improved! 

Just been for a walk - hip is definitely better - thank you

You are beyond Brilliant - thank you so much :)

I first saw Linda back in November for issues with my multiple food allergies that were causing really bad rosacea, digestion issues and flu like reactions. Within minutes she said she thought I had leaky gut which was causing the food reactions. Working with Linda has changed my digestion issues beyond recognition. Its like a normal person’s stomach now! I am still a work in progress but I can’t recommend Linda enough. She is knowledgeable, intuitive and kind. 

Linda has been treating me post lockdown through distance therapy using hair and nail samples sent to her. It sounds crazy but it works! I've also got the reassurance of her therapy while we can't get to our kinesiologist. Linda is the best!

I don’t feel thank-you  is enough for your help but a huge thank you for making a big difference to our lives. I will never forget what you have done for our daughter. 

I wanted to tell you that even as I was driving home after my appointment with you I felt better. Much more positive and generally better. That was quick wasn’t it. Thank you and see you soon

Thank you and see you soonI am feeling so much better, bowels moving more easily and mood better. Thank you :)

I am currently going through an emotional detox where I am emptying the emotional trauma storage containers in my body and being. I got the awareness that I could support my body more with a visit to Linda Belcher Healthcare it was my second visit and I had no idea on my first visit what to expect however I was blown away with what we worked on the remedies I was given and to support the changes to my life.

On my second session my body required support, nurturing and acknowledgement at how wonderful and resourceful it is.

Linda has a kindness, ease and directness that I and my body really resonate with and even when I got lost and called her up as I thought I would be late, the way Linda spoke to me and the guidance she gave me to locate where I was to where I wanted to be was clear, concise and easy.

I would recommend Linda for all those things you cannot shift and especially if you can be a little tricky or wary of who you allow into your energy field safe or feel safe with.

Thank you Linda you are a gem

I’d like to thank you again for all your help and advice through my cancer journey so far. I really believe it was a big part of how I coped with the chemo. There were dark days when I really felt awful, but for the most part, I think I coped quite well and was instead surprised in how well I felt.  I will come back again in a couple of months as you suggested. Thank you again

I had a really bad skin condition which the doctors diagnosed as excema and gave me cortisone/steroid cream.   It worked like a miracle for a week but after a week of stopping the cream the condition returned (cortisone cream can only be used every other day/week).   It dealt with the symptoms but not the cause.  I then found Linda on the Internet and went to see her.   She suggested that I might have a fungal infection in my gut, which, given my travel history, was a strong possibility.   She recommended I use a supplement, Citricidal.   We also discussed diet and she tested me for various foods.   The saddest news was that my body does not like Marmite, a shame because I love it and had it most days on toast for breakfast.   She also told me to avoid sugar and all the 'diet' foods I was eating.  The combination of the supplement and the change in diet were miraculous.   When the skin problem started I always felt itchy and had to cream my body two or three times a day but now I often forget to put on the cream as the itching is no longer there.  The thing I love about kinesiology is that it tells me what MY BODY needs, not a theory that some scientist has come up with. Linda does more than just use kinesiology to test me for foods.   I don’t really know what she does but I do know that it works.   I first saw her nearly two years ago and now I see her every 4 - 6 weeks to keep ‘topped up’.

I started seeing Linda for reflexology in October 2016, I was experiencing many health problems including excessive weight gain, joint pain and issues with my digestion. I had a few sessions of reflexology, which indicated issues with pain that I was aware of and helped with some of the symptoms. I was interested but sceptical about Kinesiology and in the end ( I had gone from a size 10 to a size 16) I was so desperate for help, I decided to try it out. I knew I had some issues with certain foods and wanted to see if this would be backed up with the findings. The tests highlighted some of the areas that I knew I had problems with, but more interestingly showed I had a major problem with Gluten. I had been trying to get some help from my GP with the weight gain issue but was informed I needed to do more exercise. Within 2 months of giving up Gluten my health had improved, swelling in my knees went, my psoriasis was clearing, sensitive teeth were improving, ichy skin had gone and more miraculously I had lost 2 stone without exercise or any other changes to diet except cutting out Gluten. I continue to see Linda at least monthly for reflexology and can honestly say I am so glad I found her, not only is Linda absolutely lovely, she had turned my life around. I am now back to the size 10 I have been all my life, I am healthier, happier and cannot rate Linda highly enough

Thanks for a great session yesterday. I can report that i have experienced periods of actual silence since the session. A very welcome relief from my persistent tinnitus. Thanks again! X 

Just to let you know what an amazing change I have experienced in the 3 or so weeks since I saw you! I felt a difference within 2 days having cut out all wheat. Bloating has completely disppeared. I have more energy and must be sleeping better as I no longer wake up with the lethargy I have felt for so many years!! A miracle!  So, all in all, another victory for kinesiology!

Thank you so much for your care and expertiseThank you for treating me. I always feel better and more positive afterwards. Things have changed so much since my first session. You are very kind and caring and really very good at what you do.

Hi Linda, I wanted to tell you I feel amazing since my treatment.  Its become so much clearer where the issues are and I feel so much more clear headed and happy.  Thank you.x

Many thanks for fitting me in today. I had a really positive result. When I got home the phone was ringing and it was work asking me if I would go to a different location. I didn't panic said I would but might be late as wasn't expecting to go. I wasn't late and went without anxiety. I then came home at 5pm and did some gardening. So good result, Thank you so much.....

WoW! I just had an amazing Kinesiology session with Linda Belcher. I feel like I am 10 feet tall and more...just more. Linda is clear in her communication, uncritical and kind in her response and direction. Her approach to my issue was so perfect for me a perfect balance of considered directness and gentle feminine power. I could feel her draw on extensive knowledge from all directions. I am certainly being looked after by the Universe. Thank you Thank you Thank you

"After just 2 kinesiology sessions with Linda, the frequency of migraine headaches, which have plagued me for 15 years, dramatically reduced. I have tried many other alternative therapies over the years with no real relief and little understanding or explanation of the condition.   I have since had a further treatment and I cannot stress just what a relief this is to me.  I would highly recommend Linda as a very professional, knowledgable and caring therapist who was, and still is, genuinely interested in my situation and recovery."   MS Chichester

"No migraines now for 30 days - AWESOME...!"

I have to report a marked improvement in the reduction of my headaches, due to the treatment, supplements & exercise ! Why could no-one within the NHS suggest any such treatment instead of allowing me to suffer endlessly for over 5 years ? The transformation is quite remarkable after only 1 treatment !

I have to say it is wonderful to see my husband emerge from the pain and despair he has suffered over the last 5 years

Having despaired with GPs, I wanted to look to a new approach in Kinesiology and I found Linda's website online. It can be quite hard to put your money to an approach you haven't tried before so I was really encouraged by the free 20 minute appointment that Linda offered. As soon as I walked through her door, I knew I was in good hands. Linda is a really approachable practitioner who is a great listener. In two sessions she had sorted an adrenal gland problem for me and has set me up with a variety of supplements which have increased my health, energy and outlook tenfold.  Linda's reflexology session was enlightening and relaxing and I am going to continue to see her monthly to keep on top of any adjustments that my body requires.  I can't recommend Linda highly enough. She is a real tonic to my life.  Thank you

Wanted to say thank you Linda! After weeks of low energy and tiredness, after my kinesiology appointment I am feeling so much better than I have in a good few weeks, amazing as always! Couldn't manage without it!

I turned to Linda Belcher and kinesiology following a protracted viral illness. I only had 3 treatments and felt so much better - my sleeping pattern improved, I had loads more energy and I regained my confidence, feeling much more like the original me. I would recommend it to anyone
GR, Worthing

This is to say how after four months of feeling really unwell with feelings of nausea and loss of appetite and my doctor not knowing what was wrong that I came across Linda's Website and decided to contact her.   After visiting Linda twice I have to say how quickly my symptoms disappeared and that how I now feel so well....so thank you Linda for you kindness and your approach and sensitivity and mostly for treating me with such success. ID Shoreham

I found kinesiology helpful when I was suffering from glandular fever, Linda was able to identify what my body really needed to help itself get better and the gentle exercises helped prepare me for what is now my happy healthy life!" RM Steyning

"Linda - I have come to the conclusion you are Wonder Woman.....!  Thank you for giving me my energy back"  FD Brighton

"I went to visit Linda Belcher after feeling lethargic and generally unwell a lot of the time. After 3 sessions I was amazed by the results, not only did I have lots more energy but my whole body improved including my skin and hair. I have had many friends say how well i look and what have I done. I have recommended her treatment to many people - JH

I came to Linda after weeks of sinusitis and viral infections.  Linda's calm approach put me at my ease and the kinesiology identified I was in need of a boost of several vitamins.  Having taken these for a time and completing a follow up visit, I feel so much better and brighter.  Linda gave me my bounce back!'  EH Worthing

Pre my treatment with Linda I was ill ALL the time with ongoing viruses.  Sometimes I could be wiped out for two weeks at a time. The GP would always resort in giving me antibiotics to get me back to work.  Since my treatment with Linda I have been in good health to the point where my partner and my 9 month old baby daughter have had all sorts and touch-wood I haven't caught their germs. This is totally unreal and I'm LOVING not seeing my GP for treatment on me for once!!!  Thank you Linda you are a star and I wish you all the best" ND Southwick

Sleep sorted - thanks Linda! LL Southwick

It was such a pleasure, Linda - I really enjoyed your energy, passion and determination to look beyond the obvious

I think I'm good with the Cats since your allergy kinesiology treatment.  My immunity is a bit battered with lots of training.  However, just had a big race, 24 hours in a team and covered 60 miles.  The potassium and bicarb you recommended did their job..  No cramp and stomach was in good shape even with the poor diet, so THANK YOU

I went to see Linda for kinesiology a month ago as I had really bad eczema on my face neck and arms. After doing exactly what Linda advised for 3 weeks pretty much all of it had cleared up. Linda was so professional but also very kind and caring. I highly recommend her services and will definitely be back for some reflexology soon! I really can't thank you enough Linda.

Having suffered from skin problems on and off from the age of sixteen, I decided to visit Linda after reading that many people in the same situation as me had experience great results with kinesiology. I had tried pretty much every treatment going and was amazed just after a few treatments. Linda is a very understanding and professional person that really wanted to get to the root of my problem, something that the other treatments I tried never did. It has helped me to learn more about my body and has set me on the right path to finally having clear skin. JS Worthing

I had psoriasis for 22 YEARS and have never gone through a winter until now without an outbreak all over my entire body of guttate psoriasis. I have myself over that time used traditional and holistic treatments. I have tried creams, potions and even been sent telepathic healing rays (!!!) but never been fully clear of psoriasis like I am right now.   KINESIOLOGY HAS
TOTALLY CHANGED HOW I NOW AM (for the better)   Thanks to Linda and her amazing training course I have learned to understand my body and mind better, what I put in it and what it needs.  I feel totally empowered to help myself and now others

My young son suffered with his phobia for 4 years before seeing Linda for a kinesiology treatment.  This is the best money I have ever spent.  Just one treatment made all the difference and the fact that he is now happy and confident means that as parents we can relax now too.  Absolutely wonderful.  MW Storrington

I came across Linda after trying and failing for 18 years to overcome my unusual phobia of eating fruit and vegetables, and within the first few sessions of kinesiology, my whole perspective had changed to all my eating habits!   I began finding ways to introduce fruit and veg into my diet without doing 'too much too soon' and therefore stuck to it rather than panicking like I usually do. I also have a new found confidence in myself as I used to fade into the background and let people walk all over me at work and have since had the courage to move jobs and stand up for myself.  Linda has completely changed my life!!  BG Worthing

I was recommended to see Linda for a long standing health issue. After a few weeks of thinking about it I made an appointment but felt a certain reluctance, after years of putting up with something what difference could this make? As it turns out massive!!. My long term issue has disappeared, something other health care professionals have failed with,and there have been a few ! More interestingly my food phobias have also lessened ( not quite gone)and I am now eating things I have been avoiding for years. Linda has a no nonsense approach to her work which made me instantly trust and like her.Thanks Linda my life has changed for the better since we met. PM Shoreham

I'm still sleeping well and have lost a stone in weight without trying since the New Year. Although the last few months have been difficult, I definately feel a thousand times better and optimistic about the future. As for the Kinesiology, I am so glad that I found it. It has really helped to get me through some tough times lately and I have met quite a few people who are now using it  LC Brighton

I am feeling better thank you.  My kinesiology session was amazing.  I will come back to you for another session when I am able - that would be lovely.  Your clinic has a wonderful energy, a lovely place.

I had two kinesiology sessions with Linda to deal with long-standing fatigue over several years, on and off, and a feeling that something was just not right with my energy levels. This was despite a healthy eating plan and taking supplements. Linda is a good person to be around and I felt comfortable with her immediately. We tested my supplements and Linda worked on my body systems. After the first session I felt a marked difference, which came on over a couple of days. Whereas previously I may have had one or two days feeling more "alive", less sluggish, I now had a couple of weeks feeling really great. I then had a bit of what felt like a relapse, around the time of my second appointment and following on from it for a few days. When I discussed this with Linda she thought it was probably part of the process. I hung in there, and indeed this seems to be the case. I am back to feeling good, in a more stable way. I am able to start 2012 with confidence, unlike my state of mind for much of last year. This is a really positive development. At last! Also, some of the things we discussed during my appointments have opened up some subtle but interesting new perspectives for work. These were areas I had already considered before, but couldn't quite see how they'd work. Now the ideas have fallen into place and I'm excited about getting on with them. I am keeping an eye on things and may well return to Linda for follow up sessions as required. I have no hesitation recommending her."   M Brighton
I had been in and out of hospital for months with stomach and back pains, the doctors and surgeons couldnt find out what was wrong with me. I came across Linda's website and thought I would give kinesiology a go! Linda helped to ease the pains and after each session I felt stronger, happier and more positive. I tell everyone I see about Linda and the amazing effect kinesiology had.  LB East Grinstead

I am truly thrilled with my progress since my kinesiology treatments with Linda Belcher. I had suffered for years with hiatus hernia, pain, bloating and digestive problems.  I lived on paracetamol for pain relief and was at my wits end.  In just one visit she identified various weak muscles and explained that the energy was being blocked to the digestive organs.  She rubbed some lymph points which were very sore and identified foods I was intolerant to.  She advised (not told) me to cut them out for a while and gave me other simple techniques to follow at home.  In just 3 weeks my brain was clearer, I had no bloating, pain literally disappeared and I havent taken a single pain killer AND I lost 6lb in weight without even trying.  I can't recommend her highly enough.  BH Shoreham

Went to see last week and she did some great work on my son and I (kinesology and reflexology). I'm 6 months pregnant and the treatment left me feeling floaty and balanced- helping me with swelling and indigestion- I would recommend. My son is having issues with his bowel movements and things are looking up. So thank you Linda, we will be back for future ailments I'm sure  EP Brighton

It was great to meet with you after personal recommendation from a friend.  Before you met my daughter, she had regular stomach cramps and was waiting for a consultant's appointment as there was no obvious cause or pattern.  After Kinesiology, you quickly identified food and chemical products that she reacted to and recommended for these to be eliminated from her diet / lifestyle.  Following your advice, quick results were seen, and she has not had severe stomach cramps since.  Thanks so much - such a simple, pain free system that has worked wonders for her (and me!)."  RS Storrington
  I'm a 35 year old male and have travelled the world many times and have had troubles with my tummy and bowels for as long as I can remember. I've spent years going to the Doctors, seeing various different specialist always to be told "I'm sorry Sir but there's nothing we can do !!, Sorry that you're in pain" and leaving me feeling dejected and with little hope of getting better.   Friends of mine had told me about Linda Belcher and her ability to help people feel better and spoke highly of her for years, but I had always dismissed it as a lot of mumbo jumbo.  However after a really bad year in 2009 with lots of excruciating pain, days off work and feeling downright miserable. I decided what could I lose by seeing her.  I think that I saw Linda in February. She came to my home and after her advice and treatment, I'm a huge convert. I noticed a massive difference just after 2 weeks and began to lose some much need weight, an extra bonus. I have seen Linda on two more occasions as after so many years of illness, one session was not enough to get everything sorted.  To me she has performed a miracle. I have told so many people about her, who like me have had no joy going down the normal medical route. So much so that my wife and 9 year old daughter have also paid her a visit. My daughter had been waking up during the night on and off for a good 18 months crying, saying that she had tummy ache. After visiting Linda she has been fine ever since.  I hope that you find what you are looking for through seeing Linda as she is an Angel in my book  HM Billingshurst

Linda is a consummate professional, yet at the same time provides a wonderful level of reassurance and care. I visited Linda in the hope that some health problems could be lessened. These included stomach cramps, digestive, skin and joint issues.  Linda's treatment has had an incredibly positive impact on my life - I am now a staunch supporter of both kinesiology but specifically of Linda and despite the considerable journey, will continue with treatment for as long as I possibly can.  The quality of the supplements has been excellent and Linda's understanding and attention to detail has meant that undergoing this treatment has been enjoyable and not traumatic.  I would endorse anyone's decision to visit Linda.     SK Portsmouth
I took the plunge to visit Linda after several recommendations. I have had continual problems with my stomach cramps for the past six years, sleeping badly and had a persistent twitching eye all of which had left me exhausted over a very long time. I really was struggling to get through the day. I have been under the hospital for the last three years with no results.   After my first session with Linda I had the best nights sleep since I can remember and my twitching eye disappeared overnight. I have continued to have good sleeping patterns with only the odd night of bad sleep occuring. The treatment Linda gave me was very simple and easy to follow. Basic dietary changes and minerals which I had been lacking. Linda was absolutely spot on with my stomach problems - which related to RICE not Wheat - and these have all gone. I no longer have any pains and have been able to introduce wheat and food containing gluten back into my diet after confirmation from the hospital that it was not Coeliac disease. Linda wasnt convinced it was Coeliac disease from our first session. I truly believe I have achieved more in the three sessions with Linda, than the past three years under the hospital who have really been at a loss to find the cause of my stomach pains. I can't stop raving about how good this treatment has been!!   Linda has listened to my problem which she and I believed were the cause of the pain and helped me to deal with it head on and to let go of the past.    I would highly recommend Linda and the treatment she provides. I feel like a different person to when I first came in. She is totally professional and far more in tune with the human body than I thought possible. I have always felt able to express myself as and when needed and Linda is not intrusive either. Although I still need another session or two to finish up the treatment, I will return in the future for more treatment as and when needed. At last I can go to bed knowing I won't resemble a zombie the next day!   LC, Shoreham

From the first session I noticed an improvement of my condition Rheumatoid Arthritis with a Baker’s cyst very inflamed and painful knee) which had been active for about 6 months. Over the next two months, with a couple more treatment I was able to stop taking the anti-inflammatory medication I had been on for 6 months and have gained more flexibility and strength in my joints. My knee has gone back to its normal size and I have cancelled the appointment I had with the orthopaedic surgeon, avoiding the need for painful surgery.   Linda's approach to muscle testing gave me confidence in the treatment and I knew that my body was guiding what was needed. JR Shoreham

HUGE difference in elbow - must try not to get too excited and overdo it..!!..AB   (3 hours after 1 treatment)

I could only comfortably turn my head in one direction - turning it the other way was painful and restricted and I suffered general neck pain. Linda corrected a couple of muscle imbalances and within 10-15 minutes I was able to move my neck properly - amazing.!  JT Essex

Can't believe the difference in my neck movement range now you have sorted it out! I have been introducing the gluten back in slowly and so far so good, though I am being careful as you suggested. And best of all my bowel movements seem to firming up at long last!!!  LC Shoreham

Have to say that my arm is amazing, I can undo my bra easily - haven't done that for months.!!!  TM Southwick

"I woke up pain free in my hip, and though my knee isn’t cured, it’s a lot better, so very many thanks. Mentally, too, I feel a lot better, as if a load has lifted; perhaps it’s just being able to talk to someone who is non-judgemental!"  AS Brighton

"Just to let you know, me and my shoulder felt great after your kinesiology treatment and felt that it moved me along very nicely.  I've now turned the corner, felt my arm wanting to come out of the sling after you left, and much less restrictive pain  BU Steyning"

Kinesiology - unbelievable.!  My tendonitis pain disappeared so quickly after the treatment that I wondered if I had imagined it - I knew I hadn't as the pain killers in the cupboard told me...!  Thank you so much   MS Worthing

Just to say a big thank you for your treatment last weekend - my back ache is going day by day and the enzymes are like pain killers - amazing! My stomach was in more of a state than I thought

Mum has commented that her knees are still the same height when she pulls them up lying down. Before you did your magic they were different.  She has improved over the week and leaves today in better shape than when she arrived. Thank you so much....

"I came to Linda with suspected food intolerances and was feeling very stressed and fed up with symptoms, and felt my doctor wasn't taking me very seriously.  It's hard to describe exactly what Linda did for me as it involved healing of both body and mind.  This holistic approach was exactly what I needed, and after three sessions of treatment and following her advice & supplements I'm feeling much better. Thankyou" CW Forest Row

My supplements arrived today, thank you - brilliant service...

Hi Linda Thanks for great treatment, eye much better. Supplements arrived, Brill ! NP Brighton

I must say thank you for what you’ve managed to do in two sessions. I no longer have the strange food allergy symptoms that I lived with for almost two years, despite not having changed my diet; and the tooth that was horribly sensitive and expected to need a root canal no longer hurts. I still don’t even know what you did, but it seems to have worked! Thanks, Linda.  AH

Just a quick note to say thank you for your time and patience. My allergy attacks have subsided greatly and I am steadily losing the weight caused by the bloating. I am still taking the supplements you suggested and I have noticed how much better I feel in energy levels & mood.   LH Shoreham

I marvel at Linda's intuitive and comprehensive skills - is there anything she can't do?  Initially, I went to see Linda to find out if there are foods my body does not want me to feed it. Easy!  As Linda is such a compassionate listener, I started whining about my neck and back pain (I have scoliosis) and she was able to release blocked energy from various places and I felt as if I floated out of there.  In passing, I mentioned hot flushes (and the consequent sleep disturbance)(as I said, Linda has a sympathetic ear!) - muscle testing revealed a herbal supplement which has made so much difference to the number of hot flushes and the discomfortFantastic!   Linda's a one-stop-shop!   A.S. East Grinstead
I first decided to visit Linda after a five month bout of bronchitis had left me weak and two doses of antibiotics did absolutely nothing for. I felt I needed a different approach. So after my initial consultation I was glad to find out that my body had developed a rice intolerence and could not fight the bronchitis until i took rice out of my diet.  This I did and within two weeks my body was much healthier. After 2 more visits and herbal supplements and nutritional deficiencies identified I am now 100 % again, and will be visiting Linda again at the first sign of any problems.  The kinesiology has definitely opened my eyes to the realities of sickness and what it means to be healthy.  RB East Sussex
For several years we searched out and tried an exhaustive list of natural and alternative therapies in an attempt to alleviate if not cure our son's ADHD. In April this year, we had all but given up hope and believed that medication was now our only option. In the month that we waited to see the consultant paediatric psychiatrist we had Linda come to our house and assess and treat our son using Kinesiology. To our complete delight our son recorded his best ever school week following the initial session with Linda. Since then we have had several home visits with Linda and our son has gone from strength to strength both at school and at home. We as a family are extremely delighted and believe that the change in our son is nothing short of a miracle. Linda has helped us to become the normal, functioning family that we longed to be and given us a son who is  now reaching the potential within himself that we always knew was there  AP East Grinstead   My Son who is 3 years old was suffering a very strange array of syptoms, throat clearing cough and scratching a rubbing on his knees, wrists, fingers and hips. Was diagnosed with tics from a specialist, but was unconvinced as he looked as if his skin was crawling and really irritating him (he would say it hurt). We were recommended to Linda, on the first visit my son was a little uncooperative so Linda worked through me while I held his hand. Well I was amazed at what happened, that with certain substances there was a weaknes in my arm or leg while I held his hand, but when I let go my arm or leg was strong! After testing the whole contents of my larder,Linda concluded that strawberries, toothpaste, birch trees and sugar all seemed to be an issue for him. So after eliminating some and reducing others and taking a vitamin c supplement to boost his immune system,  and a couple of treatments, his irritations reduced significantly.  Even the GP couldnt believe the difference in him..!!   I would highly receommend this treatment for children as it is uninvasive and unstressful, and in our case it works!  HC Billingshurst

I have been to see Linda Belcher 6 times and started my treatments as a very different person than the one I became at the other end. It has been an amazing and fascinating journey. Linda is a highly skilled practitioner. She tailored all of my treatments to suit me. I had kinesiology and she used emotional fredom technique along with colour, corresponding bach flower remedies and nutritional therapy depending on the outcome of the muscle testing which seems to be the basis for the whole treatment. Linda is a very down to earth person who listened very well. I felt all of my needs were met and that Linda was very thorough and very professional. I felt able to be my whole self and there were times when I shed some tears with great ease (most unusual for me). When I did have an emotional release Linda was very calm, kind and supportive. This part of my journey has now come to a close but I feel sure there will be times when I will need to return to her again. I reccomend Linda to treat anyone of any age for any condition.  I have also met Linda and worked along side her as a fellow practitioner and would like to commend her for her adaptability to work anywhere under any circumstances and still deliver the same very high standard of care."  MLM Shoreham

After years of feeling stuck with a very uncomfortable and embarrassing problem and having tried all kinds of doctor prescribed drugs, I heard about Linda from a friend.  OMG I couldn't have hoped for anything better.  After just 2 sessions everything was history.  I am amazed at the power and impact of kinesiology, it has made the most wonderful positive difference to my life.  I thoroughly recommend kinesiology, and moreover, Linda Belcher, completely.  AS Storrington

Linda is not only a great Kinesiologist but also teaches in a really inspiring way so that you keep wanting to know more about this great therapy.  She replies to all questions quickly, also, even if you a a past student her support is always there when you move out into the world to start your own practice"   JS Forest Row
Linda is very easy to talk to in confidence and makes you feel both at ease and comfortable. She clearly has a lot of experience and was quickly able to identify a remedy that started to improve my situation straight away. After just two visits I was so much improved I didn't need to make a further appointment. I would like to recommend her and the excellent service she provides. MLB, Barnham

Just to let you know I'm feeling alot better and my belly area has at last de-flated thanks to your magic!  LL Brighton

"I have known Linda for several years in her capacity as a Kinesiologist and have experienced first-hand the amazing work she does. Her thorough and detailed consultation enables her to quickly assess what is required and you feel truly cared for as a patient. Her depth of knowledge is astounding and her gentle touch is healing from the start. She has a warm and welcoming approach and a deep intuition which takes her healing skills to a whole different level. I highly recommend Linda as both a healer and trainer!"


I wanted to say BIG THANK YOU for my kinesiology session last time. This was really shifting and grounding. Since you have worked in my procrastination problem with the kinesiology, I have checked off my list so many big and small things I waited for a long time to fix. What has it been like 2 days? It feels like I am so focused and productive that I have done a weeks worth of work - I am buzzing :) tell me what was really in those drops? Haha!! :)) 

"Thank you so much for coming on Monday and for the amazing work that you do with Kinesiology and Reiki.  I continue to feel the benefits from the session and I'm doing the exercises you suggested and have purchased the Bach Flowers.  Many many thanks Linda "

"Oh I do LOVE coming to see you - I now have everything in perspective - I'd never thought about it like that"

Just to say I'm really feeling the benefit of your treatment and mentally seem to be able to let go of a lot of stuff.  Thank you so much.  TE Forest Row

"I highly recommend Linda for her integrity, knowledge and obvious passion for her work. The results have been amazing...a real super woman. Thank you Linda....for anyone else, give it a go, you won't be disappointed."

I feel I was guided to Linda, as I witnessed a demonstration she was giving whilst sitting in a café in Shoreham.  I can’t explain how it works, but I know that on a deep emotional level it has removed so many barriers and freed me from my past.  I am so pleased our paths crossed, as I know they were meant to. CW Lancing

"Walk in feeling tense, and float out. My sessions with Linda  are among the most relaxing times of my life. She truly is a gifted therapist, and puts her whole self into her treatments. I would recommend anyone to try kinesiology with Linda. Thank you for keeping me positive and healthy Linda!" BE Petworth

Linda helped me when I was at my lowest emotionally.  I have seen her a few times now and with the help of kinesiology and certain vitamins and minerals I am feeling a whole lot better, being able to cope with life so much more positively than before.  Linda has helped me get back on track and I will always be thankful to her.  JM Steyning


I feel on top of the world....Thank you so much.   CL Shoreham

Used the future ESR and positive attitude for my meeting at work and IT WORKED...!!!  AG Crawley


Comments received during treatments
"this is really weird..."           how can that make such a difference"  (after swallowing a glass of water)
"that's amazing"                     "WOW"                             "I feel so much better than when  I arrived"" 
                       "how did you do that....."  (after strengthening a previously weak muscle)
"the pain's gone..!".... (tennis elbow)                "I really felt some energy shift there"
                             "Suddenly it doesnt seem so bad" (after doing ESR on a major stressor)
"You always make me feel better"              "I feel  now that I'm on the right track" (after first appointment)
"That's really impressive" (after ESR collapsed worry)


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