Kinesiology Diploma Course This course combines PRACTITIONER and DIPLOMA in 1
Become a Fully Qualified Kinesiologist £4950 - payment options available
Fully Referenced 270 page Text Book
Additional Clear Notes in accessible Folder
Free Additional Marker Vials worth £100
Independently Accredited by CNHC
12 months KA membership
KA Newsletters and Webinars
2 Free online tutorials - Free online videos of the techniques
No hidden additional costs
12 modules (24 days) face to face teaching and workshops
Final Independent Assessment

Become a Fully Qualified Kinesiologist
You will need:
Cert.KA (or equivalent) Nutrition to ITEC Level 3
Anatomy & Physiology to ITEC Level 3
First Aid EFAW (Emergency First Aid at Work)
I can help you with options for training - to be done before after or during the training
Limited Numbers allow close tuition
Next course starts Shoreham by Sea
Starting November 2024
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Check out dates
2024 - starting November
12 weekends - Shoreham by Sea
Solutions if you cant attend a module
Modules and Contents
Module 1
Practice Mgt Starting your Practice / Belief in Modality
Practice Mgt Role of Holistic Practitioner
General - Ethics Red Flags and Medicine Act
Practice Mgt Promoting Kinesiology, Marketing examples
Practice Mgt Blocks to setting up practice? Thinking Hats
Practice Mgt Communication Skills
General Technique Finger Modes
General Technique Activating Filters
General Technique Difference between Static/Dynamic/Challenge
General Technique Powers of Stress - hypertonic muscles
General Technique Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Testing
Module 2
Electrical Electrical Realm, Finger mode
Electrical Cloacals
Electrical Hyoid
Electrical Centring
Structural Gaits
Electrical Blood Chemistry
Electrica lIonization
Electrical Alarm Points
General Pre Stressing
General Pulse Synchronisation
Electrical EMFs….. Test kits
General Technique Accidental Self Surrogating
Electrical Energy in Balance - Subtle Bodies, Aura, Meridians, Crystals, Music, Harmonics
Module 3
Emotional Verbal Challenges, Alarm Points for Emotion
Emotional Psychological Reversal, Eye Rotations/ I Release / Affirmations
Emotional Self-esteem and Self Talk
Electrical Chakras and Aura Leaks
Electrical Tuning Forks
Emotional Temporal Tap
Emotional Phobias & 9BP
Electrical Scars
Emotional Emotional Bruising
Emotional/Structural Spondylogenic Reflex to the Diaphragm
Electrical/Emotional CX meridian and feeling introverted
Chemical Biochemical Finger Mode
Chem/Nut Nutrition review
Chem/Nut Alarm points for nutrition
Chem/Nut Riddlers Points
Chem/Nut Hypochlorhydria Digestive Insufficiency
Module 4
Chem/Nut-Structure Ileo-Caecal Valve – ICV and Houston
Chem/Nut-Structure Ileo brake challenge
Chem/Nut-Structure Gastro –Colic challenge
Chem/Nut Carbohydrate (CHO) intolerance tests
Chem/Nut Digestion - Heartburn, H pylori, Crohns, UC, IBS, SIBO, Leaky Gut, die off, metabolism
Chem/Nut Contraindications and recommended reading - Drugs, Herbs, Vits, Pregnancy
General Test Vials & double checking findings
Chem/Nut Dosing and Timing of Supplements
Emotional and all Past Trauma Recall/Age Recession
Structural Atlas
Chem/Nut Allergies, Histamine
Chemical Psychological Reversal and Food Intolerance
Chemical 30 Second Allergy Balance
Chem/Nut/Allergies Saliva Blood & Urine
Chem/Nut/Allergies Energy Mismatch
Module 5
Chem/Nut Liver and Toxicity
Chem/Nut Detox Pathways
Chem/Nut Liver & Thymus Tap including Visceral Referred Pain
Chem/Nut Kidney, Lung, Colon Support
Chem/Nut Extracellular Matrix/Lymph
Chem/Nut Test for EFAs, Inflammatory Prostaglandins, Free Radical Excess
Chem/Nut Heavy Metal Toxicity
Chem/Nut Mercury and Amalgam
Chem/Nut Leaky Gut
Chem/Nut Microbiome
Chem/Nut Fungus Parasites and Viruses and Biofilms
Chem/Nut Immune System & Thymus Tap
Structural Hiatal Hernia
Chem/Nut Hypo-glycaemic Tendency - Fluct Blood Sugar - Insulin
Chem/Nut Parotid Salivary Gland
Chem/Nut Homocysteine test / Cholesterol / Heart / Salt Sugar
Endocrine Endocrine system testing
Endocrine Hypothalamus
Endocrine Anterior and Posterior Pituitary
Endocrine Pineal
Endocrine Parathyroid
Endocrine Thyroid
Endocrine Thymus
Endocrine Pancreas
Endocrine Adrenals
MODULE 6 - 2 days
Structural Postural Analysis
Structural/General Injury Recall Technique (IRT)
Structural Vertebra and Organ Involvement (Moving Bones)
Structural Subluxations (Spinal alignment & Lovett Brother)
Structural Vertebral Fixations
Structural Spinal Torque
Structural Dural Torque
Structural Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ)
Structural Ligament Interlink and Ligament stretch
Structural Retrograde Lymphatics
Structural Anterograde Lymphatics
Structural Walking Gait
Structural STO Technique
Structural Shock Absorbers
Module 7
Structural Vagus Nerve
Structural Vagus Nerve
Structural Chronic Valves
Presentations Presentations of Research Papers - 10 minutes each
Elec/Structural Alarm Points again
Structural Reactive Muscles
Electrical B&E points (Hypothalmic) Fuse
Electrical B&E Neurotransmitters
Electrical GV20
Electrical B&E IRT
Electrical Location Quality Memory of Pain
Structural Sacrum Balancing - 5th lumbar fixation
Module 8
Structural Structure Handout - digging deeper
General / Assignments Work on each other - swap and observed - hand in write up next module
Structural Cranial Faults
Structural Categories / NOT
Module 9
Electrical PRYT
Structural Uterine Lift / Ptosis
Structural Abdominal Floor
Structural Cystitis Technique
Structural Lateral Sway
Structural Vision: Far and Near sighted
General Peripheral Vision
General Blood Pressure
Structural/ GeneralSagittal Suture spread and tap
Module 10
General Surrogating a Muscle
Electrical Biological Clock - Now and Then
Structural Aerobic and Anaerobic muscle testing
Structural Sustained Testing
Structural Bilateral Glute Max
General Silent Rapport
Structural Carpal Tunnel, wrist, neck, knee, shoulder
Structural Teeth
Emotional Choosing Flower Essences through Colour
General Left Brain Right Brain, Brain Integration, Learning Difficulties
Module 11
Emotional Setting Goals and Metaphors
CPD and further postgraduate study
Other modality inputs
Mock Exam
Mock Assessment
Review Learning Journals
Module 12
Final Exam
Final Assessment
Independently Verified by the CNHC
Set up by the government to protect the public by providing an independent UK register of complementary healthcare practitioners. Protection of the public is the sole purpose.
They set the standards that practitioners need to meet to get onto and then stay on the register. All CNHC registrants have agreed to be bound by the highest standards of conduct and have registered voluntarily. All of them are professionally trained and fully insured to practise.