CPD Training for Kinesiologists
Testing Retained Primitive Reflexes
If you are a Kinesiologist of any modality, this course will be immensely valuable to you
Next course - Salisbury Centre, Edinburgh - Saturday 12th April 2025
" I attended Primitive reflexes training with Linda Belcher Healthcare in December. Myself and a colleague flew over to Luton from Belfast as we wanted to learn from the best.And we certainly did! A brilliant trainer and such knowledge and skill !!! "

What are Primary / Primitive Reflexes?
- Automatic stereotyped movements directed from brain stem
- Assists survival in first weeks of life
- Soon need inhibiting by higher brain centre
- This allows sophisticated neural structures to develop
The Impact of the Primitive Reflexes
- All serve a purpose but should all be integrated by around 2 years old
- If still present they prevent neurological development (Reactive patterns)
- The central nervous system remains immature

What Will you Learn
- How to recognise indications that any Reflexes may not be integrated
- How to muscle test
- How to integrate with other kinesiology techniques
- How to balance with kinesiology and exercise
- What type of homework to give the client
£185 for the day to include test kit, full notes and other useful aids
(£20 discount for KA members)

"Having attended the Primitive Reflex training with Linda I cannot recommend it enough, Linda has a very good teaching style and made everything very easy to understand and use. You come away and literally can use the protocol straight away. I have used on all three of my children so far with positive results and I cannot wait to see the effects this has on their lives. Thank you so much Linda I will definitely be spreading the word about your course"
"I had my first client on Saturday for PR. I wish I could show you the look on the mothers face, when what he was testing for, mixed in with the nutrition and saying things like does he struggle with his digestion etc. It was brilliant but I think also my passion just overtakes it 😊I got a text this morning saying he has slept so well for the past 2 nights and how fascinated he was with things like rubbing the stickle brick over his body. She said to me, when we used to go see the health visitor etc they recommended a dry brush but we were never told what it was for or what it would help with, so never kept it up.I can’t thank you enough but more so because your exercises that you have handed over to us make it so easy to pop them over to the client/Clients parent and so easy to follow.Thank you again,"
From a Student who attended the course : I just wanted to share with you that xxx received the Learner’s Trophy today at school for doing so well this year and always giving everything a go. We have really noticed such a change in her these last couple of months especially with her concentration and I believe this is a result of our time with you. I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen at her next session.
"I attended primary reflexes course with Linda. The course delivered so much more than what I expected and Linda was a great teacher! She is knowledgable, caring and a credit to us Kinesiologists. She went over and above what she needed to cover on Tuesday and for that I am thankful. 😘"
"Having learned the Primitive Reflexes techniques and methods from you I can honestly say they have really helped with transforming and understanding the little people who I work with in their Kinesiology Sessions. They've also been amazing with the adults I work with too!" 😘
This is a testimonial one of my lovely students received just after the course - "Can't recommend Catherine highly enough as a alternative health specialist - She recently helped me resolve a lifelong tic whereby my tongue would move around my mouth whilst talking which was evident in day to day life and when making promotional videos for my youtube channel. One of her skillsets is working with clients to reset "primitive reflexes" trapped in utero or the months after being born. After all these years (and many unsuccessful attempts to resolve this tic via holistic techniques I am trained in) Catherine identified my primitive reflexes were stuck and after 1 session on this issue the tongue tic stopped with immediate effect. This was a huge transformation for me on a deep level and has led to fantastic self development revelations since.She has also offers some amazing forward thinking modalities that work with directly with your DNA and optic nerve.Catherine's passion for mental and physical health is infectious and she provides sessions rich with insights and solutions in a very intuitive, respectful and sensitive way"
"I have really enjoyed the Retained Primitive Reflexes training with Linda. She explained everything very clearly and provided us with helpful tools such as notes and testing kits, so I walked out from the workshop fully equipped and ready to put what I have learnt straight into practice. I also really liked the atmosphere and ability to practice as we moved from one technique to another. Linda showed us a demo for each technique which was well presented and explained. I have learnt a lot and also had a chance to meet other practitioners and learn about the ways in which they work. All in all, a time well spent! I highly recommend it to anyone interested in boosting their knowledge of kinesiology techniques."
"A huge thank you to Linda for such an insightful day and for giving me what feels like the missing tool in my toolbox in working with children. Linda has great energy, explains and demonstrates the material in an engaging and clear way. She evidently enjoys what she does very much and is generous with her knowledge. I can’t wait to implement retained primary reflexes in the work I do with schools and more broadly"
"Thank you so much for an enjoyable day. And my Moro treatment - I do feel profoundly different. I really like your no nonsense approach to health and kinesiology."
"I would highly recommend Linda for her Retained Primitive Reflexes Workshop. This workshop was brilliant, Linda's teaching style, extensive knowledge and experience not only helped me to learn about Retained Primitive Reflexes, she has given me the confidence to integrate and use them in my Kinesiology practices which I feel will be enhanced with this training.I would highly recommend Linda for her Retained Primitive Reflexes Workshop. This workshop was brilliant, Linda's teaching style, extensive knowledge and experience not only helped me to learn about Retained Primitive Reflexes, she has given me the confidence to integrate and use them in my Kinesiology practices which I feel will be enhanced with this training"
"Such a brilliant day" "So fascinating" "You are such a brilliant Teacher"
"Thank you so much for an amazing day on Friday. I really enjoyed the content and your teaching style"
"You are a fun and talented teacher"
Thanks Linda Belcher for a great course on Friday. I went with no previous knowledge of Retained Primitive Reflexes and came away understanding the relevance of them and how they can be so disruptive in our lives when they are not inhibited properly in our early years. We learned methods of testing for the reflexes and various corrections to help them become integrated if they are still present. Personally, I’m excited to start working on a specific RPR that showed for me and was very relevant to some long-standing issues that I’ve thought I would just always have to put up with. Armed with my new knowledge I feel sure that these issues will soon start to dissolve, which is awesome!
"I attended Linda’s Retained Primitive Reflexes course last week and would thoroughly recommend it. The subject itself is fascinating and Linda structured the training perfectly complementing Kinesiology. The combination of presentation of information, combined with the demonstrations and workshopping was incredibly useful alongside the sharing of her wealth of knowledge and experience. I Look forward to her next course"