Training Costs


I donate a proportion of my income to Lend with Care, part of CARE International, that transforms lives by providing micro finance loans

Price List - Training Courses
Kinesiology Foundation Levels 1-6    
Includes 4 x nutrition tester kits, magnet, Course book.   Bach flowers (within the classroom), water, light refreshments


Kinesiology Foundation Level 1 only 
1 weekend
full pre-payment required to secure place
Includes Course text book

Kinesiology Practitioner Diploma 
Deposit of £750 followed by 10 x £420 on modules 1-10 - total £4950 - includes final assessment and exam

12 modules - each module booked as stand-alone weekend - CPD but no qualification - doesnt include Manual, homework, assessment or exam



£1550.   £500 deposit plus remainder to be agreed





Practitioner Treatment Training Days

One hour treatment from me, observed by fellow Practitioner, then you observe others

One to One Mentoring for Students or Newly Qualified Practitioners  per hour



Testing Retained Primitive Reflexes for Kinesiologists
1 day to include test kit and other aids

(£20 discount for KA members)

Cranials Workshop
1 day to include notes
(£20 discount for KA members)


Kinesiology Basic Introductory Workshop- tailored to suit delegates
1 day (10am-5pm)
Can't afford this?...why not host an Introductory Workshop - contact me for details 07787 194337

Rejuvenating Facial Massage Course
3 days
pre-payment required to secure place

plus handouts and exam (to be taken once case studies complete)

Face Massage Workshop for NON THERAPISTS
1 day - learn to treat your friends and family - if they come too you can swap!

Marketing for Therapists
One day workshop unravelling the muddle of marketing and media

Cancellation Policy:  50% of treatment cost if cancellation not given within 24 hours of appointment time
No refund of training course deposits, unless I am forced to cancel the course
Please try to keep your appointment as it is when we are ill that we need treatment the most
Evening appointments are available with a surcharge of £10