Linda's Blog about all things Kinesiology

What do you Have for Breakfast

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I always find it interesting as a Kinesiologist that when asking new clients what they eat – ie breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks – they always proceed to tell me what they don’t eat….!  It can take some gentle insistent persuasion to actually glean what actually is eaten and when.

Of course, it can feel intimidating revealing what we consider to be “bad” habits and I hope I reassure clients that I am not there to judge, just to help.

However, the second surprise comes when the majority of people have the same thing every day for breakfast…. How would you react if I said you had to have the same dinner and exactly the same thing for lunch every day?   It would be immensely boring, and yet at breakfast many think nothing of having the same breakfast cereal or toast with the same topping on – if they have anything at all.

Breakfast really is important – boring I know – but I don’t actually insist clients eat as soon as they get up.   Breakfast can be versatile and eaten an hour after rising or at work or – at a push – in the car (caveats apply..!)   Interestingly once our adrenal glands are working correctly, and once the diet is rearranged, waking up hungry will become the norm.

So – what are the options.   Well I believe that protein in the morning is essential for satiating hunger and lasting through till lunch.   I know from experience that cereal and carb laden breakfasts are not the most effective and efficient food to eat.

These are the options I recommend:

  • Eggs – cooked any way, with bacon, ham, chicken – couple of oatcakes – mushrooms, tomatoes.  
  • Oatcakes – with nut butters (almond, cashew, hazelnut)
  • Celery sticks – ditto
  • Smoked salmon with oatcakes or eggs
  • Smoked Haddock or Mackerel
  • Protein Shake Powder – different flavours – with frozen berries/bananas and almond milk
  • Handful of seeds/nuts in plain yoghurt
  • At a push there are some decent cereal bars that are wheat free – 9bar is one or you can really be adventurous and make your own
  • Home-made banana bread from coconut flour – include seeds/nuts
  • Home made raw granola with almond milk
  • Porridge made with oats or quinoa – add fruit of choice

I don’t advocate fruit first thing because it will spike the blood sugar and just make you hungrier later, so if you do eat fruit – include some protein like seeds/nuts or powder.

I’d welcome your suggestions for making breakfast just that bit more interesting…..

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  1. Carrie Thomson

    This is really helpful. I have been having fruit for breakfast and wondering why I am so hungry by 10am.!

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