Linda's Blog about all things Kinesiology

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    Yesterday I had a busy day planned – lots of clients, admin and a cheeky sit in the sun maybe..!   GREAT….

    Then I woke feeling rubbish – really rubbish … threatened cold, sore throat and headache.  I could easily have turned over, “phoned in sick”, and gone back to sleep.  To be honest it was tempting.

    What did I do?  Did I take a homeopathic remedy, drink lots of water, bit of cross crawl and shower?  NOPE.   I had 2 bits of toast – WHITE toast… extra cup of tea (I did resist the urge to put sugar in it) and 2 paracetemol….   AND I was rather pleased with myself..!!!

    JEEZ I hear you cry….    You ate WHEAT – you didn’t have PROTEIN - you took MEDICATION..!!   YOU, who are a proponent of natural health and positive eating.

  2. Creating Pressure and Adrenal Overload

    I was indulging in one of my guilty pleasures the other day watching a re-run of “Little House on the Prairie”.   Pa Ingalls had been delayed returning home from a trip and of course the family had no means of knowing where he was or if he was OK.  Nowadays of course we all have mobile phones, internet, laptops, i-pads, Skype, email, messaging and so on, and keeping in touch (should we choose to do so) is easy and instant.  

    It reminded me of a time when I was giving a lift to one of my students en-route to a kinesiology course and about 5 minutes into the journey she realised she had left her


    I really don’t like exercise (I actually first wrote “I hate exercise” but feel that it’s not “right” to hate something that’s pretty important…!)    I always rather admire those people who go hiking up mountains, enjoying the open vistas and marvelling at the views while hardly breaking a sweat…. or those who look forward to every opportunity to exercise their body and go out on their bikes come rain or shine.  I was always hopeless at sports and the last one to be picked for the school teams…I hated everything about sports day, cross country running, netball and rounders.    I did love dancing however and did do that regularly into my late teens but sadly let it go by the wayside as it wasn’t “fashionable” at the time. 


    What does Holistic Mean

    Holistic is a word so often used by Natural Health Practitioners to describe their treatments, but what does it actually mean?


    OED description under "Philosophy" states: "characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole"


    and under "Medicine" states "characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease"



    Kinesiology training

    CONFESSION TIME – I really like the Little Mix new single “Little Me”.   Yep as a 54 year old definitely non-groupie non-X-Factor non-girl/boy band type, that song really spoke to me and it got me thinking, what would I tell me “little me” if I could.  Of course there are many therapies that do use this kind of technique – hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, TFT and even kinesiology has tools and exercises that aim to redress the balance of old unhelpful thought patterns, but somehow the beat of the song and simple mature lyrics really hit home.

    So, Little Linda, this is what I say to you…

  6.  TOP reasons for having a Kinesiology Treatment

    Preventative healthcare means you’ll save time and money in the long term,  you will look and feel wonderful and have more chance of achieving your goals

    Kinesiology Treatment

    Your body will communicate what it needs through the muscle test – no guesswork – you know the treatment will be targeted to YOU and will not be generic

    Truly Holistic
    No other treatment is as holistic – kinesiology approaches all elements of emotion, nutrition, chemicals, structure and energetic, which means you are receiving several treatments in one

    Positive Change
    Kinesiology helps you achieve positive change in your life – clarity of purpose, focus and direction  -  no more confusing messages or difficulty knowing what lifestyle changes to make

    Less Time off Sick
    Your employer will love you (even more)...!....

    Be Listened To
    When else can you lie down for 45 minutes to 1 hour and have someone REALLY listen to you.....

    Everyone will want to know your secret…   

    Let 2018 be the year you re-visit your Systematic Kinesiologist for regular sessions....



    Kinesiolgist Brighton

    I was at a function the other day where the inevitable question came up “what do you do”.  

    Hmm…. in my “pre-Partnered” days of (rare) clubbing and discos (showing my age now) I would experiment with such lofty titles of “Trainee Brain Surgeon” or, “Private Investigator” and when in a more frivolous mood, “Stripper”.!

    Now I have a quandary.  All the marketing advice tells us that we should explain the RESULTS not the TOOL and it should be snappy - so some of my esteemed colleagues say such things as “I make people feel wonderful and full of health” or “I use natural health methods and a range of techniques to restore people’s health and vitality”.  Somehow that all doesn’t sit right with me – I’m not saying it’s wrong, just that it doesn’t fit my personality or feel right for me.

    When I was newly qualified I tried “Kinesiologist”, which was usually met with a quizzical “what’s that” and then followed by glazed eyes as I went into long explanations of how marvellous it is and how