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I am a fan of medication !!
As a Natural Health Practitioner that may come as a bit of a shock to you, but I firmly believe medication has its place. Clients sometimes are a bit hesitant to tell me they have "resorted to drugs" (their terminology) or feel embarrassed or even tell me actively they dont want to take them.
First of all it is not my place to disagree with a GP prescription and I will always work within the realms of what the clients lifestyle is and any treatments they are having. Also we are not enabled to say we "treat conditions" but clients do COME with conditions... I will always try to find natural ways to help and look at the overall health of the individual but there are times when medication is, of course, critical. Here are just a few:
* One of the most obvious is insulin for type 1 Diabetics - I am not talking here about Metformin for type 2 Diabetes, I have worked successfully with pre-diabetes levels in both myself and clients without recourse to drugs. But Type 1 Diabetes is not as yet "curable", but totally manageable, and correct insulin levels are critical for survival
* Sometimes for extremely serious debilitating skin conditions the client will be offered steroids (Prednisolone). In my own personal experience a situation becomes completely intolerable and they are helpful in feeling stable again. There are always things we can offer as natural suggestions, but these things can take longer to take effect, therefore for the benefit and sanity of the client who may be drawing blood, increasing the risk of infection or cellulitis and driving themselves crazy with itching, a short course is helpful to enable them to concentrate on other changes in lifestyle they can make while we investigate the root cause.
* Blood pressure medication - I'm not talking here borderline readings, but very high persistent readings. There are biochemical and emotional techniques and remedies we can use to help, and which can assist with achieving a bit of a reduction but when the numbers are high, it is advisable to seek help
* Ulcerative Colitis - If a client is quite frankly losing blood, this is another time I have tried to make them feel better about taking medication, either on a temporary or longer term basis. We can work naturally, as with anything, but if the client is at the lowest of the low AND the GP has prescribed medication then the client may feel it helps to get stable to again address root causes and be able to STICK to the suggestions made
Again, I am not a Doctor, and I do not prescribe medication, neither do I persuade clients to stop taking prescribed medication, neither do I suggest they go to the GP for every little thing - I want them to see me :)
However medication has its place, and its about balance - as is Kinesiology