What is the Job of a Tutor ?
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Well, to pass on information of course… but is it that simple? We pass our driving test and then we REALLY learn to drive…. And in so doing we can forget what it was like to learn – BEFORE we knew nothing - before we could park without thinking (and maybe turning the radio off to do so) or before we could simultaneously negotiate a roundabout while thinking about what to do for dinner.
One of my greatest pleasures is seeing my kinesiology students move on from the classroom and become wonderful Kinesiologists - some of them professionally, others for their own and their family's benefit. Some of them also go on to teach kinesiology, which is wonderful. Whatever it is, the "journey" never ends because, aside from regulatory CPD requirements (!) we are constantly learning from ourselves and others.
That act of “forgetting” what it was like to learn or before we had our kinesiology skills, can impede our ability to teach - we forget what we didnt know. Of course we don’t want to patronise but also not overwhelm. We need to gauge the different levels of ability in the room – ability to remember short term or long term, ability to listen (really listen), those who are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, ability to have the abilities we cannot teach – and project to them all